Customer experiences

User experience walking aid City - Ronald Hummelink

User experience walking aid City - Ronald Hummelink
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My name is Ronald Hummelink and since a few months I use Van Raam's City walking aid almost daily. A tumor has caused fractures in my ankle and walking became very painful for me. I made a request through my health insurance and I got the walking aid reimbursed. This walking support from Van Raam is really ideal for me, because now I can move forward without pain and effort!

City Walking aid
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  • walking with the city walking aid for adults
  • walking aid for adults
  • customer experience balance bike for adults van raam
  • adults walking aid support van raam

Going anywhere with the walking aid

The City walking aid is super handy and easy to use. You place the saddle at the correct height, adjust the handlebars and you can start riding. For example, I go to the store to do the groceries and because this walking support bike is so small and manoeuvrable I can easily go through all the small shopping aisles. Because "walking" with this bike goes so smoothly and quickly, I can also cover a longer distance, something that I can no longer do without the walking aid. Unfortunately, playing football is no longer possible, but I can now visit the football field 3 km away with my walking aid to cheer for my team. This way I can keep moving and I am not always obliged to go with the mobility scooter.

The City walking support from Van Raam is highly recommended for anyone who has difficulty walking

Ronald Hummelink

Walking with the walking aid instead of crutches

Because the balance bike is so small and light, it can easily be transported with the car. If you have a slightly smaller car you can fold the walking aid. I don't do this myself because the walking aid is already small and compact and takes up little space, so it fits in the trunk. For example, if I go to the hospital in Nijmegen for my treatment and have to walk long distances in the hospital, the balance bike always goes in the car. Arrived at the hospital I continue my way "walking / footbiking" on the balance bike and always meet a lot of people who don't know this handy walking aid. I am therefore always surprised how many people do not know that such a walking bike exists. Where I previously walked on crutches through the hospital, I now move forwardwith the City walking aid. Walking on crutches is quite heavy and tiring and with the walking support it costs me much less energy to move forward. With little effort you can therefore cover large distances.

Balance bike for adults reimbursed via health insurance

Various medical aids are reimbursed from the basic insurance policy of the health insurer in the Netherlands, including often a walking aid. My health insurer Menzis had several contracted suppliers, including Medipoint, who could deliver the walking aid. I contacted Medipoint and indicated that I would like to try a walking aid. A Medipoint advisor visited my home with the City walking aid so that I could test it. Then it was ordered from Van Raam and a little later the walking support was delivered to my home.

walking support City by Van Raam
Going to the hospital with the walking aid

Walking / footbiking with my walking aid

I'm quite fast with my walking aid. While footbiking I make many kilometers with my walking aid! (see the video below).

Ronald Hummelink - Eibergen (the Netherlands)
Model: City walking aid

Pros & cons
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Small and manoeuvrable
  • Easy to carry in the car
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